Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hey hey hey

mom, today i checked my facebook for the first time...tell my friends i love them :) and miss them a whole heck of a lot.

i saw my roommate!!! she said that she would take care of the fridge and something else and that i should get the tv. i wrote her back and gave her my e-mail so it would be easier for you to check. that is all :) love you

ps I almost cried today from the beautiful mountains. my pictures don't do it justice. at all. it's amazing. my host family here is awesome. we stayed with them for 2 nights. tomorrow we leave for someplace far away (i forget the name) but it's about 7 hours away not including stops for lunch, bathroom, gas, ect. I need to get some sleep. good night.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jill!

Your mom has been updating me on all your travels and adventures - what fun! Sounds like you're having an awesome time and seeing some really wonderful places. We're all really excited for you, so keep up the good work! :-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill!
I left a comment 1 hour ago, but I am not sure I sent it right.SOOO, I'll try it again; if it shows up somewhere else, oh well!

I had said... sound's like you are really enjoying your experience! Alaska must be really beautiful! Take advantage of all that comes your way.
I wanted to tell you that Thomas just came back from volleyball camp at Bentley College. Guess who his coach was? The US Coast Guard VB Coach! Wierd, isn't it? Coach tells me that you (Salve Reg.) are playing at CG during the CG alumni homecoming weekend. There will be lots going on, so you should get a good crowd to come watch! I look forward to following your college matches. We look forward to hearing all about your trip! Katie sends her hello's. Your ex-neighbor (Pat)has been over about every night since David got home Sat. night. The boys send their hello's!
Enjoy your trip,

William Evertson said...

Hi Jill - I hope you are taking plenty of pictures to share with us old folks. Sounds like you are having an adventure.

Anonymous said...

JILL! it just figured out how to post comments on your blog! sounds like you're having an absolutely AMAZING time! i can't believe you saw buffalos! thats so freakin awesome!!! i miss you so much and i'm gonna blog back to you again soon! glad you're tour is going well and good luck with the rest of your trip!
