Sunday, August 10, 2008

days off

For the next two or three days I think I'll be staying in a hotel so I won't have access to a computer as far as I know. We have no concerts monday or tuesday and our concert sunday is during the morning church service. So we'll be having some days off. I have no idea what we're doing yet. :)


Anonymous said...

Greetings from home,
We're looking forward to seeing you on Thursday night!! If we don't make it to the concert, we'll be there by 9pm to pick you up. If there's a delay w/ airline, we'll call your director's cell.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill. finally some time to read comments and post one of my sounds like the time/experience of a lifetime...I am so envious!! you are a lucky, talented, wondrous young woman...a tribute to the God who loves you, your family and your church. My best to you on the rest of your spiritual (not to mention physical !!) journey with the Continental Singers.
Fondly, Karen Gallmon

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill!! Just wanted to say Hi and tell you we're looking forward to seeing you when you come home again. Sounds like you've had an amazing time and we're so happy for you. Would have loved to come and hear you sing, but we're going to be away at the same time you're family is leaving to meet you. We'll be thinking about you and know how excited you must be knowing your family will be there soon. We miss you!! Love, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Rich