Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Rehearsal Camp Day 3

Jillian has left a phone message, 5:30 am (PST)
"Pactice is hard. Trying out for solos today.
Long day planned, won't be back in room till 9:30 pm"

posted by mom


Anonymous said...

Hey Jill!
Hang in there - rehearsal camp is the toughest part, with trying to learn all the music, sing as an ensemble, and learn the choreography! You will be exhausted (it's kind of like boot camp before the army...) but you will do just fine. I'm excited to see that you'll be touring the same basic route that I toured on for two summers, spending time on the West Coast as well as some time in Alaska. Absorb all of that natural beauty...it's so amazing to be outisde in the middle of the night and have it be as light as it is during the daytime! (Note the heavy curtains on many of the host families' homes to block out the "Midnight Sun". I'll check back in later...ENJOY!!!
Cousin Kim

Anonymous said...

Hey Jill, So glad you arrived safely and are now entrenched in the rehearsal process. What an exciting summer for you!! We'll be thinking about you, and we're anxious to hear about all your adventures. We love you!

Aunt Jackie & Uncle Rich